Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh, Boy!

Yep - we're having a boy!

We are thrilled, oh-so-happy and to be honest, a bit overwhelmed.

How do we raise a boy? How does anyone raise a boy?
While we search for the answer to this question,
we find ourselves inspired to complete the nursery.

Baby Boy's nursery is already tan and turquoise
with fun pops of orange, green and yellow.

It's a bright, fun room and we have enjoyed dreaming about decor. We aren't your typical couple - we don't need to plaster the walls in things that scream "boy" but we do have a few fun projects in mind to add a personal, and yes, even boyish touch to the nursery.

Being musicians, our favorite instrument to play is the drums. Of course, we believe that our son will be the next big drumming star but we will let him come to terms with that reality when he is ready. We don't want to force him, so a big mural of a drum set on the wall is something we will have to pass on...for now. We do however want to leave subtle hints for junior so we are collecting our broken drum sticks, gently used drum sticks and sticks that have special memory. Instead of a vase full of flowers (c'mon, way too girly!), we are going to display our special sticks in a neat-o paint can thingy (pictures coming soon) on one of Baby Boy's dressers. Cool, right?

Also, because he IS a boy, and because our nursery is funky but basic, we surveyed the space this evening and decided that Baby Boy cannot move in until we add one more thing...


Ladies, do you remember the life-size barbies that we used to beg our parents to buy for us? Well, why can't a little man have a life size...uh...robot!?! No, he will not come with a wardrobe. Yes, Robot will be super cool, retro and of course, funky.

It is very likely that Robot will become a mascot in our family.

And because we are penny pinching fools, we will not be splurging on the $200 robot that I found online (with lights and all!). Instead, we will be building a very simple robot out of wood and painting him to appear as though he has flashing lights. Just as cool, but WAY cheaper and if the absence of real flashing lights is bothering you, don't worry - we will flicker the light in the room to make it seem real.
(You'll never know if we follow through on that promise)

As much as we love owls, we have discovered that many of our friends are also going nuts for owls and their sweet little boys will have a hoot in their nurseries! We thought that we would change gears a bit and keep things simple - no theme, just a few fun pieces of whatever we fall in love our very fun table lamp that looks like a HUGE light bulb.

So there we go - a few ideas to add a personalized and boyish touch to Baby's room, while keeping life simple, cheery and oh yes, affordable.

Stay tuned for pictures.

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