Saturday, July 24, 2010

Divide and Conquer

Katey, here.
Let's face it - I'm not the most organized.
Far from it in fact.

I have the best intentions about organizing my clutter but action seldom follows.
At the request of hubby dearest, I recently began to gut our walk-in-closet.
I got rid of lots of clothes, tried to organize my clothing and I even did some laundry...some.
I still have piles of clothing scattered about the room but what did get hung up is organized by color and season...pretty snazzy, right?

One of my biggest fears about parenting is having a mess.
I HATE messes, am overwhelmed by them and ultimately, this is how our home gets cluttered and instead of pushing up my sleeves and getting organized, I scoop myself another bowl of ice cream and slump into the couch, totally stressed about the insanity....and yes, secretly hoping my hero of a husband will just do it for me.

With a few great affordable finds, and loads of hand-me-downs piled on the nursery floor, I am already seeing a project grow into a problem. It has taken me three weeks to decide how to organize baby's clothing in his two dressers and closet.
Do you organize by size? By season? By style?
Where's the book on that??

I've decided to put socks and undies in one drawer, organized in size from left to right.
Then onesies in the next drawer, sized left to right.
Then sleepers, then tops, then pants, and so on.

In the closet, Jason is going to build a unit for "next season" and "next size up" clothing.
We will also have a shoe shelf in the closet for little man.
I plan to hang the fancy stuff - polo tops, button-downs, schanzzy slacks, jackets, sweaters, etc.
But again, how do I keep the hanging stuff organized??

While shopping the sales racks at a kiddo's clothing store tonight, I had the most brilliant idea.
(if I do say so myself)
Plastic do-dads that have sizes on them, separating the clothes.
The light bulb went on and once home, I searched the web for the do-dads.
$30 for 5 do-dads???

No way.
Next idea...

Why not DIY the do-dads?? I can make them to match the nursery!
So this is my next afternoon project.

Here is an example of my DIY divide and conquer project...

How-To Tutorial and pictures coming soon!

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