Thursday, July 29, 2010

You Make What?!?

(not 100% about baby, but 100% about money...and babies cost money)

"You make what?!?"

It's true. We aren't millionaires. Not even close.

Who knows why, but there have been several friends, family members and blog readers who have taken interest in our finances lately. I, Katey, have been contacted by strangers, even, asking how a young couple like us is able to manage a home and growing family on a shoestring budget. I'm flattered that people recognize our hard work to stay financially secure in such a shaky economy, but I'm not sure that many of them (or you) realize how small and how tight that shoestring of a budget really is.

Sure, we would always like to make more. Who wouldn't?
But the point, for us at least, is to appreciate what we do make and to use our resources wisely.
Well, as wisely as a 23 and 25 year old can manage...c'mon, we love road trips!

Because so many have asked, and because we are glad to share if it helps others, we thought it would be fun to share our saving secrets with the world...or at least our readers.

But first, the shocking number that makes everybody ask...
"You make what?!?"

Under $30,000

Yes. That's it.

The simple math is this:
2 people + 1 full-time income + whatever money Katey makes doing whatever it is that she does =
under $30,000.

We aren't suffering.
In fact, life is really good and we would love to share with you the simple steps that we have taken to be able to confidently celebrate and enjoy what we make.

Steps to Stretch $$$ Without (totally) Losing on Luxury:

Probably the most important thing to do first is to recognize what luxury means to you. If a home the size of the White House, a garage full of cars like Jay Leno's and a night life as ritzy as the Hollywood stars is your idea of luxury, then this post is going to make you VERY uncomfortable. Basically, evaluate what is need and want in your life and decide which of those wants should stick around and which ones should hit the road.

For us, we consider luxury to be this:
We own a 3 bed/2 bath home. We NEVER go hungry. We have transportation. We have more clothing than we need. We have loving friends and family. We have a VERY spoiled dog. And we have a baby on the way.

So go ahead - take an inventory of what you consider to be luxury.

Now the steps...

1. Budget, budget, budget!
For us, the most important thing is to make sure that we are not spending more each month than we are bringing in, causing debt to pile up. Jason is the "man with a plan" and he does a fabulous job at keeping us accountable to our budget.

Quick Tip:
Don't start planning your budget with how much you can spend each month. Instead, budget for how much you want to SAVE each month. Pay yourself (rather, your bank account) first, then factor in a mortgage or rent, cost of living, transportation, animals, children, etc. Also, when making your budget, don't forget about vacations and gifts - birthday parties, bridal showers and other fun happenings seem to sneak up on people and you want to make sure that you've budgeted for such occasions.

2. Just Say No
Decide right now, between you and your spouse, who is the tough one. Make sure that the "tough one" is prepared to refuse to buy that really, really cute purse that you sooooo "need" or the baby bedding that would be sooooo perfect but costs soooo much. For us, Jason is the tough one. It's the only way that we can celebrate and enjoy our income. If it were up to Katey, we would move to Disneyland, never work again and buy everything we ever wanted.

Quick Tip:
Ladies - when it doubt, cry it out. If hubby says no, don't fight him. Trust his judgment, give thanks for being blessed with such a wise husband and then, when you have a moment to yourself....go ahead and weep. There are many purses and shoes out there that I have shed tears over but I promise you this - crying over a purse is a whole lot easier than crying over your home going into foreclosure. Husbands - have grace. We need it.

3. Used Is The New New
Remember when pink was the new black? Well, used is the new new. We are yard-sale and consignment junkies! We've owned our home for one year now and still do not have bar stools but that is because we haven't found them used. There is NOTHING in our home that is brand new and we get compliments all the time on our furniture and decor. (Of course, we scored on some new stuff for our kitchen when we got married...but those were gifts).

Quick Tip:
You will save 50-90% if you take your time and search for used items instead of buying new. Try Craislist, Ebay and other online resources. You can also find great deals at yard sales, second-hand stores, consignment stores and thrift stores.

For many years, we both had single moms and although they both re-married, they continued to live as though they only had one itty bitty income. Shopping at The Dollar Tree, yard sales and thrift shops is old hat for us but we do understand that it may be a stretch for those who are accustom to finer living. Our advice to you - start small. Soon enough, you will learn to enjoy hunting for a good bargain and who knows - maybe you will be teaching us a thing or two about shopping.

4. Sales Racks
When it comes to clothing, keep it simple. If it isn't on clearance, don't bother trying it on. If you try it on, you will fall in love with it and convince yourself that it's worth the purchase. Sure, it might be a super cute dress for only $25 but how many other super cute dresses do you have in your closet that you've actually worn in the last month??? Exactly. If it's not on sale, it's not available. End of story.

Quick Tip:
Decide now on a fair amount to spend on each clothing item. For example, Katey refuses to spend more than $15 on a casual dress. She never buys a shirt that is more than $8-10 and pants don't go home with her unless they are under $25. This includes sales tax.

Another helpful hint... if you buy five articles of clothing, DO NOT take off the tags until you remove five articles of clothing from your closet. Give those items away - bless someone in need or donate them to a thrift store. You never know - you just might be browsing the clothing section at the good will and find an adorable top for $.25 that came from the trendy closet of a gal who sticks to the "what comes in, must go out" rule. 5 in, 5 out. Simple.

Plus, your husband will complain less about you buying clothes if your closet isn't already busting at the seams.

5. Buy in Bulk
Not everybody has a Costco card. We are blessed to be Costco members through Jason's work. If you do have a Costco membership, buy as much as you can in bulk. Obviously, some things will spoil before you can eat it all but items like dog food, toilet paper and laundry detergent are great examples of buying in bulk and saving money. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY A MEMBERSHIP TO BUY IN BULK. It's a shame that so many people think they have to put in to get out. You don't. There are plenty of stores where you can buy in bulk. In fact, Katey prefers Winco over Costco because she can buy cereal, beans, pasta and baking items in bulk and doesn't have to pay for the packaging.

Quick Tip:
Shopping at stores where you bag your own groceries keeps the cost down. The fewer employees that a store has to pay, the lower the cost of most items. Plus, you get a mini-workout when you bag your own goods and haul them to your own car. Also, shop for your items on the bottom shelves. The pricey stuff is places eye level. Buying off-brand items also helps to keep your cost down. And, like our mother's have been saying for years...don't go to the grocery store hungry. You will buy way more than you need. We would like to add to this rule by saying: Don't go to the grocery store pregnant. Fellas, your woman will eat you out of income so if you want to afford that child, do the grocery shopping alone for 9 months. Also, need we say it? Coupons!!

6. Sharing is Caring
Check this out - Jason's co-worker was moving out of her home at the same time we were moving into our home. She knew that we loved her big dinning room table (seats 14) and she blessed us by GIVING it to us because it was not going to fit in her new home. In addition, she gave us two large cabinets from Ikea that she no longer wanted. A few months later, one of Katey's friends mentioned that she needed a big cabinet and Katey mentioned that she was looking for a hutch to use on the patio as a potting area. Katey traded one of her big Ikea cabinets for the hutch that her friend no longer needed. How about them apples? The point here is that sharing is caring...when someone blesses you, pay it forward. Also, trading home goods with friends is fun. Katey often trades her homemade soap for fresh veggies from friend's gardens. Everybody wins :)

Quick Tip:
There are several sites online where new and expecting parents can trade items with other parents. Use your search engine to find such us, you will save a world of money! Besides, why hold onto that changing table if your toddler can potty on his own? Trade it in for a toddler bed, or a front-facing car seat.

7. Stingy is Sexy
Here us out...
When we got married, Katey thought she was going to die of embarrassment every time it we got to the check out line and Jason started chucking items out of the basket because spending $2 on Kleenex was "way too much", or would ask the clerk if he could get a discount because the packaging had a small hole in it. What was once super mortifying for Katey to be apart of has now become SUPER SEXY. For every item that Jason chucks, Katey now sees dollar signs that add up to a new pair of shoes, new purse or something for the baby. Let us be the first to tell you - we would not be buying a car right now if it weren't for Jason's stingy ways. $10 here and there adds up fast!

Quick Tip:
Fellas - stick to this. Be the man you claim to be and get stingy! It might not cause your wife to swoon right away but as soon as she starts to see her clothing budget increase, you will see your efforts paying off. Remember, the stingier (within reason), the sexier!

8. Invest
Who invests their money anymore? It seems like it has become the American dream to spend but the reality is that unless you invest, you'll be a financial mess. (Yes, we rhymed on purpose). We aren't encouraging you to throw caution to the wind and put all your eggs in one basket of fact, please don't. We do encourage you however to contact an agent in your area who can assess your finances and help you to make wise decisions in your investments. Here at the Rallis home, we are big fans of mutual funds/bonds. Interest adds up fast folks...don't underestimate the power of investing.

Quick Tip:
Whatever you invest needs to become invisible money to you. In other words, unless you are in the midst of a major emergency, are retiring or are paying for a kid's college tuition...DON'T TOUCH YOUR INVESTMENTS. It only adds up if you leave it alone. We've been married less than a year and have over $6,000 in our mutual funds. Trust's like magic. One minute you have it, the next you don't.

9. Bring Back Game Nights
We're a social couple so hosting game nights is a breeze for us. We love getting together with friends and probably what excites us even more is opening our fridge to those friends. Think about it - you're not paying for entertainment and you are sharing a meal with your buddies, who are all saving money by hanging at your place instead of going out on the town. We love our game nights but we won't lie - we like to eat out. This is probably one of our biggest areas needing improvement. We've started by planting a veggies garden and creating menus that inspire us to cook. We've cut back from eating out about 5 times a week (gasp!) to about three and we'd like to get it down to once a week...two if there's a special occasion.

Quick Tip:
Pick one night a week when everyone knows that the party is at your house. You will look forward to that night all week, and so will your friends. Encourage your pals to bring table games, movies, games for your Wii or whatever to increase variety. If you and your gal pals are big readers, hold book club meetings once a week. Even better, make it a weekly potluck with games, books, movies, whatever. Everybody brings a new dish each week and not only are you entertaining on the cheap, but you are also eating on the cheap too....and it is likely that there will be leftovers!

10. Don't Be An Idiot
Seriously. Just don't.
Tempting as it may be, credit cards are not the answer to your needs, wants or impulsive moments. In fact, we are pretty sure that Satan himself invented negative credit. Sure, a couple credit cards per family is okay as long as you are making payments on time but PLEASE, we beg you...don't be an idiot. Nobody needs a 200 gallon fish tank in their living room THAT BAD.

Quick Tip:
Our rule of thumb with credit cards is this: If you don't have the cash, don't swipe your card. The idea is that we use our cards only to build good credit so when we fill up the car with gas, we swipe our card and then head to the bank to deposit cash (or wherever you go to pay your credit card bill). If we only have $15 in cash available, then we only swipe $15 worth of gas on our card.

And so...

There are hundreds of additional things that we do daily to save money and stretch our income, but we thought these ten tips might help get you going in a healthy direction. PLEASE note that we are not experts by any means. We have been married less than a year and are still figuring out how to share money, especially on such a tight by no means are we even close to being good at this money stuff. We have however found what works for us and we work very hard to stick to the rules, expanding on fun ways to enjoy life on the cheap.

We know that money can be overwhelming and we know that financial freedom can seem like such a distant dream at times but we want to share with you the things we are able to celebrate today and hopefully this will encourage your journey to a healthier financial life.

At the ages of 23 and 25...
We have ZERO credit card debt.
We own our home and one car.
We are buying a used (new to us) car this week.
We have a baby on the way and we can actually afford the kid!
We have money in our savings account, money in mutual funds (investments)
and money in the baby bank.
Out of a possible 850, Jason's credit score is 820.

This is not to brag, but to encourage. If we can do it, so can you.

It may not seem like it, but we still have plenty of luxuries...

We eat out A LOT. We love to go bowling (cheaper on Sunday nights) and we love going to see movies (cheaper to see them in the afternoon and take your own snacks). We greatly enjoy watching our favorite shows and movies at home (don't pay for cable...we have three channels on our TV and pay $10/month for Netflix which gives us a lot of viewing options). We even take road trips just about every month (make it a goal for gas to be your biggest expense...stay with friends, eat cheap, enjoy the scenery).

We hope that as you prepare for your little one to arrive - or whatever big goal you are looking forward to - that you will be able to find freedom from debt in the process, and pad your bank account along the way.

Next time someone asks you about your income and budget, smile with pride when they freak out and scream...


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shopping Secrets

We were both raised in sales-rack homes by mommas who sniffed out the bargains and still managed to keep our wardrobes in style. It's only natural that we follow their lead and do our own investigative shopping.

It's so easy to become overwhelmed by the cutest little outfits and the must-have style of the moment but truth be told, baby is going to outgrow that top before you can get home and stuff him/her into it. Of course, you can't leave your little one naked but why spend top dollar when we have the secret to stylish clothing at a stylish price?!

First thing is first...

New or expecting parent, meet Sales Rack. Sales Rack, meet parent.
If the two of you are strangers, it is time to become the best of buds.

DO NOT look at or touch anything that is full-price.
Before entering a store, put on your thrifty blinders and prepare to shuffle through sales racks.
The headache is worth it when you can afford your car payment.


Don't wait for them to arrive in your Sunday newspaper. While checking out at stores, ask for coupons. There are also plenty of websites that make coupons available and easy to print. We will provide links to these sites once we feel that we've compiled a trustworthy list but in the meantime, play on will be pleasantly surprised by the coupons you are able to snag online.


Here are a few special store secrets to give you a jump-start on saving:

Old Navy marks down their items mid-week. Most do so on Wednesdays but check with your local retailer and then make it a date - once a month, or more often if needed, swing by Old Navy. If you wait until the weekend, you will miss the deals and have elbow room only, as all other parents are out shopping...with screaming toddlers, no less.

Old Navy and Gap both have a mark-down method.
First markdown seems like a killer deal and for $3.99 per shirt, you are going to be inspired to buy clothing for the whole neighborhood of children. Guess what - it gets better. You might thinks that $3.99 for a little guy's polo is a solid deal, but that is just the FIRST or TWO markdowns. The second markdown ALWAYS ends with a 7 so if you find a kicking pair of kiddo's shoes for $5.97, snag them! Remember, when the clearance or sale price ends in any number other than 7, cool your jets and wait it out...good things will come!


No cash? No purchase!!
We are celebrating the new-found freedom of being debt-free. It wasn't easy but trust us when we tell you, it is sooooo worth it! 5 bucks here and there add up on your card...FAST! Before leaving home to hit the sales, decide on your budget and when you think you've named a fair amount, CUT IT DOWN then take the plastic out of your wallet so that you're not tempted to charge. Take cash and cash only. You will thank us later.

There you have it - a few shopping secrets.
We will continue to expand on money saving tips.
Until then, bank it!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Divide and Conquer

Katey, here.
Let's face it - I'm not the most organized.
Far from it in fact.

I have the best intentions about organizing my clutter but action seldom follows.
At the request of hubby dearest, I recently began to gut our walk-in-closet.
I got rid of lots of clothes, tried to organize my clothing and I even did some laundry...some.
I still have piles of clothing scattered about the room but what did get hung up is organized by color and season...pretty snazzy, right?

One of my biggest fears about parenting is having a mess.
I HATE messes, am overwhelmed by them and ultimately, this is how our home gets cluttered and instead of pushing up my sleeves and getting organized, I scoop myself another bowl of ice cream and slump into the couch, totally stressed about the insanity....and yes, secretly hoping my hero of a husband will just do it for me.

With a few great affordable finds, and loads of hand-me-downs piled on the nursery floor, I am already seeing a project grow into a problem. It has taken me three weeks to decide how to organize baby's clothing in his two dressers and closet.
Do you organize by size? By season? By style?
Where's the book on that??

I've decided to put socks and undies in one drawer, organized in size from left to right.
Then onesies in the next drawer, sized left to right.
Then sleepers, then tops, then pants, and so on.

In the closet, Jason is going to build a unit for "next season" and "next size up" clothing.
We will also have a shoe shelf in the closet for little man.
I plan to hang the fancy stuff - polo tops, button-downs, schanzzy slacks, jackets, sweaters, etc.
But again, how do I keep the hanging stuff organized??

While shopping the sales racks at a kiddo's clothing store tonight, I had the most brilliant idea.
(if I do say so myself)
Plastic do-dads that have sizes on them, separating the clothes.
The light bulb went on and once home, I searched the web for the do-dads.
$30 for 5 do-dads???

No way.
Next idea...

Why not DIY the do-dads?? I can make them to match the nursery!
So this is my next afternoon project.

Here is an example of my DIY divide and conquer project...

How-To Tutorial and pictures coming soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Half Baked

Junior is now half baked.
Let's hope that he never uses those words in a sentence.
Like, "Oh man, I'm totally half baked! College rocks!"
We will kill him.

Being pregnant, 20 weeks along, food aversions and cravings for Katey have just about fled the scene however a nice big heaping bowl of ice cream on occasion is much needed.

In case you're wondering what it really means to be half baked, here is a little run-down of the facts and figures:

20 weeks of pregnancy = longer than a semester in college
(or any relationship in high school)

20 weeks of pregnancy = baby will pee standing up
(and HIS daddy is very proud)

20 weeks of pregnancy = finally a bump big enough to prove conception
(not just a big lunch)

20 weeks of pregnancy = stretch marks the size of the grand canyon
(but much less breathtaking)

20 weeks of pregnancy = baby has established his sleeping patterns
(turns out, he's a night owl)

20 weeks of pregnancy = baby should weigh 7 ounces
(chubs is already a pound)

20 weeks of pregnancy = baby should be 6.5 inches long, crown to rump
(he kicks with the strength of a 7-footer)

20 weeks of pregnancy = mom walks into everything, forgets everything

20 weeks of pregnancy = daddy turns 25
(wooohhhoooo!! cheaper car insurance!)

20 weeks of pregnancy = baby is the size of a red bull can, crown to rump
(waaaay too much caffeine for mom)

So there you have it - junior is half baked.
We are still working on names.
Want a preview?

Nolan Matthew
Gavin Matthew
Leeland Matthew
Copeland Matthew
Jaden Matthew

Clearly, we like names that end the same.
We will give this little guy a name soon enough but for now, he is called...

Little Man
Little Guy

And this week, half baked :)

Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hey Good Looking!

When our very first glimpse of Baby appeared on the sonogram screen at 9 weeks of pregnancy, we immediately noticed the not-so-tiny nose. We both have what Katey likes to call "obnoxious noses". They aren't awful, or really half bad, but they are rather pointy. Yep, both of us, both noses. Poor kid never had a chance.

Now that we know Baby is a boy, we are able to daydream about the rest of him. Will he have brown hair like Daddy? Green eyes like his Momma? And what about that chin...

Will it look like this??

Along with pointy noses, we both were blessed with butt chins. Okay, so we're no competition for Jay Leno but it would not be surprising to learn that he is a distant relative. Luckily, we grew into our chins. Katey's is hardly noticeable, unless pointed out. Jason's chin still has a little butt-like split, but it isn't nearly as obvious as his baby years. So we are thinking that no matter whose chin our baby boy gets, he is going to have a butt on his face. Hey - we survived, he will too.

And then there is the weight issue.

Katey, who as an adult, struggles to keep her weight above 100 pounds, was born HUGE. And sweet Jason, who is now a healthy man, was once a teeny tiny baby. Oh, the irony.

Will our baby boy be a little guy like his Daddy's former days, or will he take after his Momma...

Believe it or not, Katey's pediatrician actually put Kate on a diet when she was a baby.
And Jason? Well, he has always enjoyed food...

One thing that we can bank on is this:
We are going to have a cuuute baby boy...if we do say so ourselves.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh, Boy!

Yep - we're having a boy!

We are thrilled, oh-so-happy and to be honest, a bit overwhelmed.

How do we raise a boy? How does anyone raise a boy?
While we search for the answer to this question,
we find ourselves inspired to complete the nursery.

Baby Boy's nursery is already tan and turquoise
with fun pops of orange, green and yellow.

It's a bright, fun room and we have enjoyed dreaming about decor. We aren't your typical couple - we don't need to plaster the walls in things that scream "boy" but we do have a few fun projects in mind to add a personal, and yes, even boyish touch to the nursery.

Being musicians, our favorite instrument to play is the drums. Of course, we believe that our son will be the next big drumming star but we will let him come to terms with that reality when he is ready. We don't want to force him, so a big mural of a drum set on the wall is something we will have to pass on...for now. We do however want to leave subtle hints for junior so we are collecting our broken drum sticks, gently used drum sticks and sticks that have special memory. Instead of a vase full of flowers (c'mon, way too girly!), we are going to display our special sticks in a neat-o paint can thingy (pictures coming soon) on one of Baby Boy's dressers. Cool, right?

Also, because he IS a boy, and because our nursery is funky but basic, we surveyed the space this evening and decided that Baby Boy cannot move in until we add one more thing...


Ladies, do you remember the life-size barbies that we used to beg our parents to buy for us? Well, why can't a little man have a life size...uh...robot!?! No, he will not come with a wardrobe. Yes, Robot will be super cool, retro and of course, funky.

It is very likely that Robot will become a mascot in our family.

And because we are penny pinching fools, we will not be splurging on the $200 robot that I found online (with lights and all!). Instead, we will be building a very simple robot out of wood and painting him to appear as though he has flashing lights. Just as cool, but WAY cheaper and if the absence of real flashing lights is bothering you, don't worry - we will flicker the light in the room to make it seem real.
(You'll never know if we follow through on that promise)

As much as we love owls, we have discovered that many of our friends are also going nuts for owls and their sweet little boys will have a hoot in their nurseries! We thought that we would change gears a bit and keep things simple - no theme, just a few fun pieces of whatever we fall in love our very fun table lamp that looks like a HUGE light bulb.

So there we go - a few ideas to add a personalized and boyish touch to Baby's room, while keeping life simple, cheery and oh yes, affordable.

Stay tuned for pictures.

Monday, July 12, 2010

You've Got Style, Babe!

While we count down the days until we find out if we will be on team blue or team pink, there's been one thing on our mind...SALES! (Okay, sales are always on our minds)

One of the great things about being due in December is that three seasons will pass us by while we wait for Baby. Of course, this means that we have three opportunities to hit the big season sales. Folks love to buy baby clothes as gifts, and we are keeping that in mind, but people are often drawn to the teeny tiny too-cute-for-words outfits that fit for about three weeks. As great as that is, we think that end of season sales are perfect opportunities to pad the closet with some must-haves for Baby.

A little tip - buy on the big side. If Baby is going to be six months next July, don't buy summer clothes that are 3-6m. Instead, go for the 6-9m outfits. You sure would hate to buy the cuuuuutest little watermelon dress that fits too snug on your little girl come summertime. And if you're from California like we are, you won't have to worry about the outfit being a bit too big in June. We've got 5 hot months and surely, your little one will fit into that adorable romper by August.

A few online clothing stores are starting to clearance their spring collections, and are even marking down some of their summer stuff. Hooray! As we fill up our wish list and grocery cart online, we thought it would be fun to share with you our little one's style - well, at least until he/she can pick out his/her own clothes.