Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Expiration Dates

I was clipping coupons, doing my normal thing, and then realized that most of the coupons expire at the end of December and our sweet Nolan is due early December.

Let me break this down for you...
Nolan will be here SOONER than my discount on detergent expires.


Our normal grocery run will no longer be normal.
We will be buying Honey Bunches of Oats and deodorant with an infant in the cart.
Is anybody else freaking out?

The nursery is almost done. His clothes are all put away.
We've got the gear and the bathroom stuff and the safety stuff.
We are prepared.

...or so I thought.

I just had this moment of panic
where I realized that I've never been grocery shopping with a kid, never-mind my kid!
What if he cries in the store?
What if he needs to nurse?
What if he needs a diaper change?
What if I need to potty??

What if I forgot my purse in the car??!!!
Do I leave him in the cart at the check-out counter and ask the person in line behind me to watch him, NOT steal him?
Do I take him out of the cart, to the car to get my purse and then back in to pay?
Do we just give up and go home without groceries?

Do I go to the store in the middle of the day to avoid crowds?
Or do I go at night to ask the crowd to reach that jar of apple sauce for me?

What if he doesn't like to grocery shop?
What if people want to touch him and breath all over him?
What if they don't?

He will be here sooner than my coupons expire???

Didn't we just make this kid?
Didn't we just get married and buy this house?
Didn't we just get engaged?
...didn't we JUST meet in elementary school???

Oh my gosh - Nolan is going to attend school sooner than we think.
He will go to school, meet his future wife,
ruin his clothes on the playground and get all A's.
And then he will be in junior high, hitting puberty.
And then high school, and girls, and love and lessons and sports.
Then college and marriage and a family of his own.

All the while,
I will be measuring the next chapter in life by the expiration dates on my coupons.

10 weeks.
Nolan will be here in 10 weeks.
Sooner than my coupons expire.

1 comment:

  1. :) This cracks me up because Aaron is 3 months old and I STILL haven't gone grocery shopping with him alone! I'm still to nervous about all the worries you have now!
